Iron Flourine Blast

Iron Flourine is the plant-based version of iron that all humans should be consuming, as opposed to the rock form (iron oxide) of iron prescribed by doctors. This blend contains the most potent iron-rich herbs, Sarsaparilla, Burdock root and Yellowdock. Increasing iron content will help with MANY ailments and diseases of the body, including curing anemia and increasing overall oxygen to the brain.

My personal experience: I became severely anemic after going fully Alkaline Vegan during the pandemic. I woke up one morning and had a hard time moving my arms, walking, etc. I knew I was already anemic, but overtime it gradually got worse. I knew Dr. Sebi had raved about an herb called Sarsaparilla as having the highest iron content. I began taking just that herb by drinking it along with agave to sweeten it, 2 times per day. After less than a week I had regained normal mobility and energy. I then went to get my labs done and by that time by iron levels were just above normal. I credit that completely to Sarsaparilla. We formulated this Iron Blast to also include Burdock Root and Yellowdock which are both also also very high in iron content.

This blend is 1oz of herbs, which would last about 1 week if taken daily.

This blend can have a bitter taste. Bitter herbs are known to be the most potent. Use agave to sweeten.
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Iron Flourine is the plant-based version of iron that all humans should be consuming, as opposed to the rock form (iron oxide) of iron prescribed by doctors. This blend contains the most potent iron-rich herbs, Sarsaparilla, Burdock root and Yellowdock. Increasing iron content will help with MANY ailments and diseases of the body, including curing anemia and increasing overall oxygen to the brain.

My personal experience: I became severely anemic after going fully Alkaline Vegan during the pandemic. I woke up one morning and had a hard time moving my arms, walking, etc. I knew I was already anemic, but overtime it gradually got worse. I knew Dr. Sebi had raved about an herb called Sarsaparilla as having the highest iron content. I began taking just that herb by drinking it along with agave to sweeten it, 2 times per day. After less than a week I had regained normal mobility and energy. I then went to get my labs done and by that time by iron levels were just above normal. I credit that completely to Sarsaparilla. We formulated this Iron Blast to also include Burdock Root and Yellowdock which are both also also very high in iron content.

This blend is 1oz of herbs, which would last about 1 week if taken daily.

This blend can have a bitter taste. Bitter herbs are known to be the most potent. Use agave to sweeten.
Iron Flourine is the plant-based version of iron that all humans should be consuming, as opposed to the rock form (iron oxide) of iron prescribed by doctors. This blend contains the most potent iron-rich herbs, Sarsaparilla, Burdock root and Yellowdock. Increasing iron content will help with MANY ailments and diseases of the body, including curing anemia and increasing overall oxygen to the brain.

My personal experience: I became severely anemic after going fully Alkaline Vegan during the pandemic. I woke up one morning and had a hard time moving my arms, walking, etc. I knew I was already anemic, but overtime it gradually got worse. I knew Dr. Sebi had raved about an herb called Sarsaparilla as having the highest iron content. I began taking just that herb by drinking it along with agave to sweeten it, 2 times per day. After less than a week I had regained normal mobility and energy. I then went to get my labs done and by that time by iron levels were just above normal. I credit that completely to Sarsaparilla. We formulated this Iron Blast to also include Burdock Root and Yellowdock which are both also also very high in iron content.

This blend is 1oz of herbs, which would last about 1 week if taken daily.

This blend can have a bitter taste. Bitter herbs are known to be the most potent. Use agave to sweeten.