Meet the founders

Christina Gobert, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Teacher, Meditation Teacher, Alkaline Lifestyle Advocate & Holistic Well-Being Coach

Christina has worked in the field of Social Work for more than 10 years, earning a Master of Science from UT-Austin. Christina went on to work for the next decade serving the seriously mentally ill population in various agencies in Austin.  Though she thoroughly enjoyed supporting her clients and empowering their agency for change, she felt she needed to transition to living her dharma by teaching various aspects of Spirituality. During this time, Christina began to experience a spiritual awakening that transformed the way she viewed the world and her role in it. Christina enjoys spending time in nature, and therefore you will find her hiking trails in Austin.

Aaron Gobert, Alkaline Lifestyle Advocate

Aaron Gobert is also a UT-Austin Alum who previously worked as an Audio Engineer with his own record company, “ATX Recording”. Aaron later pursued a career in the medical industry, working for various agencies in the Austin area. During this time, Aaron began to educate himself about the Alkaline lifestyle and its benefits. Aaron went on to later share this valuable information with Christina and they later founded Natural Healing Wellness Co. In his spare time, Aaron enjoys educating others about genetics and human history.