Alkaline Vegan Lifestyle

Alkaline Veganism is a lifestyle based upon the research and teachings of the late Dr. Sebi. Dr. Sebi was ushered into this lifestyle after falling ill and near death when he learned about herbalism and food based on genetics by a man in Mexico. Dr. Sebi went on to study the ph of foods and discovered that many of the foods sold create acidity in the body, and ultimately when the body is too acidic, it is a breeding ground for disease. Dr. Sebi tested the ph levels of food and eventually created a food list of the least detrimental foods. These are foods that are still naturally occurring in nature, and have not been created by man. Many of the unnatural foods we eat have been modified on a genetic level to look the way they do or hybridized by combining at least 2 different foods together to create a new one. Though our minds live in a modern world, our bodies are the same as they were many years ago and therefore require natural foods in order to sustain them. Our current food supply is full of so many unnatural additives, dyes and other ingredients that over time cause our bodies to be unable to balance itself, which then leads to disease.

Alfredo Bowman, AKA Dr. Sebi

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Dr. Sebi Food List
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Alkaline Herbs & Uses
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